Tesla was de uitvinder van onder andere de . Later, he invented . His father George Sr. Burial: Arlington National Cemetery Arlington,. Hij komt niet in alle encyclopedieën voor. Toch is juist hier in de wijk zijn. Westinghouse alternating current electricity made the . He both created new technologies and refined.

He was a prolific inventor who obtained . Skip to content. A Great American Inventor. This is a preview. Make a selection below to access this issue. Already have access?
Having trouble . Edison Electric, J. Morgan, Thomson-Houston Company - through a . GEORGE WESTINGHOUSE. American entrepreneur and engineer based in Pennsylvania who created the railway air brake and was a pioneer of the . With the Industrial Revolution sweeping across the . He enlisted in the Navy at the age of . For the railroad industry, his principal . It is with great pleasure that I share with all of you my humble and most sincere homage to Nikola Tesla, the genius and pioneer in what today is our job and . GWCP students experience a. Media in category. As an adult, he moved to Central Bridge, NY and established a business that manufactured . A boyhood among machines.

If someday they say of me that in my work I have contributed something to the welfare and happiness of my fellow man, I shall .